Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thing 11: Tagging and

My most recent and most common experience with tagging is when I download my photos from my camera and I am prompted with a tag blank. I can type one in, but the problem is sometimes there are some photos from a birthday and some from a trip and I am not sure what to tag them as since they are both so different. So I end up creating new folders afterwards and sorting them later anyways, actually I still like to think of my photos in time sequence so I make folders by dates, but I could see how tagging can help on a site such as Flick'r where you can do a quick search. I did try the exercise to tag on this blog using blogger features. I learned how to do it, but I am not really sure why it is valuable. Who would want to look at my tags - I guess you never know!

I am so excited to try and learn more about (typed in as I remember learning about this social bookmarking site where I can consolidate my bookmarks and have them all online in one place. I work on 3 computers and this would save me lots of time. Alright - here I go as I create my account...It was easy to do since one else had the same username, and then I had to download some software, I had a to verify the message sent to my email address, alright 5 minutes later I am set up! I made a page a book mark and I tagged it. I can tell I have lots more to learn, but I am started and hopefully next school year I will have a well developed page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that SV staff had kids create accounts in this year for research. It helps the Bibliography immensely, and can be great for collaborative projects. I bet your students would pick up and Diigo pretty quickly!